A Drug Dealer's Toll on Americans

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 19:53:03 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Karen P. Tandy at The Washington Post - Amerika's drug czar paints peaceful Marc Emery as a criminal, for selling seeds. The Media Awareness Project has a copy here. I wrote the following letter to the editor: [nall]

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 15:15:41 -0500
From: "Bill St. Clair" <bill@billstclair.com>
To: letters@washpost.com
Subject: Selling Vegetable Seeds Is Not a Crime

To the editor,

In her March 29 letter to the Post, Amerika's drug czar, Karen P. Tandy, tried to paint Marc Emery, the Canadian hemp seed vendor, as a heinous criminal. Nonsense. Cannabis hemp, aka marijuana, is a useful plant, with industrial, medicinal, and recreational uses. It is nearly harmless, but that shouldn't matter. Free people own their bodies. Hence, they have the absolute right to ingest anything they want. Pot, alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, ANYTHING. Without asking anyone's permission or paying a single dime in "sin taxes". The so-called "laws" prohibiting this are an abomination, a crime against humanity. Anybody who has anything to do with arresting anyone for selling or ingesting a drug or any other vegetable should be tried for kidnapping and, if found guilty by a jury of their peers, hanged. That includes Ms. Tandy, in spades.

Bill St. Clair

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