Slow News Day
Fire has a love for itself -
It wants to keep burning.
It is like a woman
Who is at last making love
To the person she most desires.
Find a Master who is like the Sun.
Go to His house
In the middle of the night.
Smash a window.
Act like a great burglar -
Jump in.
Gather your courage
Throw yourself into His bed!
He will probably kill you.
Fantastic -
That's the whole idea!
(I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky)
Mad Ogre - Ballistics: The Ogre Defensive Power Factor - a simple way to judge killing power as a factor of bullet caliber, weight, and velocity. Weight x caliber (inches) x velocity / 1000 for pistol bullets. Divide by 100 instead of 1000 for rifles.
Previous Posts:
Mad Ogre
A Declaration of Civil Disobedience
The Ballad of Carl Drega
Anti-Gravity and Science Redefined
Return of the Son of Ashcroft's Second Amendment
Ashcroft's Second Amendment Some More
Ashcroft's Second Amendment
LAX Immigration Nazis
Atrocities In American Airports
Armed or Unarmed, Sir?