Christopher's Tenth

I discovered on Sunday that my Savage 111 can put five rounds of my hand loaded ammo into a one-inch square at 100 yards (well, the centers were in the square; part of the outer holes overlapped the edges). Very nice!
Kevin Tuma - Baby (Goose) Steps - cartoon commentary on the e.u.
John Bergstrom's Attack Comics - Yassir Arafat and Hammas - very creative cartoon commentary.
From Bits & Pieces:
In matters of style swim with the current; in matters of principle stand like a rock. -- Thomas Jeffersonand:
When you must shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. -- George Mapir
From The Federalist:
President Kennedy and President Reagan understood that the best way to put more money in people's wallets is to leave it there in the first place. After all, when you can keep most of what you earn, you have more incentive to be productive and earn more. As your income grows, you spend and save more. And that fuels economic growth. But the long-term logic of this seems to escape most liberals. -- Edwin Feulner - Industorius Clock - an amusing and creative use of the web to tell time. Requires Macromedia Flash. Lots of other neat web animation at [cowlix]
John McCabe at loony dot org - On a particular Tuesday - Mr. McCabe locked himself out of his house. This is the story of getting back in. [loony]
It was pointed out to me that I paid someone to break in, and wasn't that just silly. After further reflection, however, I had do disagree. He could break into my house whenever he wanted. I paid him not to take anything once he did.
Steven's Weblog is the new home of the blog formerly known as Mumble Daily. Welcome to your new digs, Mr. Vore.
The Armson Max Duty Sight is an "Occluded Eye Gunsight" (OEG). It comes with a variety of mounts including the M-16/AR-15 carry handle version, which includes a "thru the sight aperature" that allows the iron sights to be used when the OEG is installed. The site itself shows a red dot to one eye while the other eye sees the target. Your brain's binocular vision circuitry superimposes the two. It has a 4 MOA dot (4" at 100 yards). The Trijicon Armson OEG is a similar design illuminated with tritium. carries it. Armson also sells its OEGs to the paintball market. This ACOG Reflex Sight Review says that the OEG "suffers from the wandering dot syndrome due to not being able to see through it. This limits its effective range." This is a drawback not shared by the Trijicon Reflex or other red-dot sights. - Michael Swanwick's Periodic Table of Science Fiction - a short story for each element in the periodic table. I read the story for this week's element: zinc. [pournelle]