Flat-Out Cool!
Osama bin Ladin unwittingly repeated history when he used a phrase uttered by Gen. Custer, "Where did all these damn Tomahawks come from?"
From kaba:
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
russmo.com - Tribunal Justice - cartoon commentary on military tribunals. Warning: not for the squeemish.
L. Neil Smith at Sierra Times - Here We Go Again - another good Bill of Rights Enforcement article from L. Neil. You need an account to read it. Get one today. [sierra]
If habitual criminals like John McCain and Joseph Lieberman were arrested and tried for treason for endangering "the security of a free state" with their endless, insane, hoplophobic legislation, if George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Tom Ridge were similarly charged with multiple violations of laws that forbid depriving innocent individuals of their Constitutional rights, and if every goon at every airport who ever groped a passenger or pawed through his or her belongings were to join them, making little rocks out of big rocks, and washing uniforms in the prison laundry (there would be no license plates to stamp out in a free society), America would be a safe, clean, decent place to live in.
Bob Murphy at Sierra Times - Chaos Theory - most folks interpret anarchy to mean chaos. They are not necessarily related. Mr. Murphy tells us once again why he is an anarchist and proud of it. [sierra]
I should also mention that anarchy is not a good of itself; what I really desire is the truly free society. It's just that, in my opinion, only anarchy can achieve this. So, in terms of ethics or morality, I would say the highest end is freedom. But in terms of political science -- dealing with forms of government -- I would say the goal is anarchy. (To quote my friend's bumper sticker: "There's no government like no government.") This is somewhat analogous to the approach of Friedrich Hayek, who believed in democracy as the best means to a (relatively) free society. Although he was wrong in this conclusion, he was not so naive as to worship democracy per se.
Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - What kind of century will this be? - Harry is hopeful, but not optimistic for a return to 19th century politics, "back to the libertarian foundation that provided the good we still enjoy."
Dan Harrie at The Salt Lake City Tribune - Rule OKs Weapons In Capitol - Utah is an open carry state. Someone has finally made it clear to the powers-that-be that this means they must allow concealed carry permit holders to carry concealed in the capitol building, and anyone to carry in a holster, as long as there is no round in the chamber. [kaba]
Jeff Snyder at American Handgunner - New York -- Where You Need Permission To Save Your Life - musings on handgun licensing in the Empire state. [kaba]
In Broome County, where I reside, unrestricted licenses are almost never issued. The forms provided to you by the sheriff's office contain an application for a "target" license, i.e., a license limited to carrying between your home and the range for target practice.
In Broome County, as in most counties in New York, saving your life or those of your loved ones if violently assaulted outside of the home is not a proper cause to carry a handgun, but enjoying a nice day of shooting at the target range is.
The state, evidently, just wants me to have a good time, and not worry my little head over the nasty things that might happen to me in the big, bad world. I should relax and just enjoy life.
WhatReallyHappenned.com - Fake Terror - the Road To Dictatorship - form Rome to Klinton, governments have used fake terror as an excuse to increase their power. [grabbe]
The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments routinely rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant public. The Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat appeared to leave no other choice.
Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that We The People have no choice but the direction the government wishes us to go in.
Tony Paterson at The Telegraph - Mystery of monster waves solved - some German scientists have reproduced "monster waves" in a tank. In the open ocean, these waves can be as much as 120 feet high. [lew]
Photographs of the experiments show the monster wave building into a vertical wall of water before exploding into an uncontrollable boiling mass as it collapses on itself.
"Even in the tank the effect was awe-inspiring," said Prof Clauss. "The exploding wave was so powerful that it broke through the ceiling of the building in which the tank is located," he added.
Joe Wilcox and Michael Kanellos at CNET -
New iMac features flat-panel display
- the much-hyped new Apple
product is a new iMac with a half-dome base and a flat-panel display
supported by a pivoting arm. There's also a new photo-editing
application: iPhoto.
time.com - Apple's New Core - the cover story of the current issue of Time magazine.
Apple - The new iMac. Impressive specs: 700 or 800 Mhz G4, 40 or 60 gigs of disk space, superdrive that can read and write CDs and DVDs (on the most expensive model), 21.3 pounds, 3 models ranging in price from $1,299 to $1,800. [picks]
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