Government is really good at only one thing, and that is to break your leg, then hand you a crutch and say, "Look, if it weren't for the government you wouldn't be able to walk." -- Harry Browne
Jacquelin Magnay at the Sydney Morning Herald -
Romanians return medals, boycott ceremony : this is the saddest
olympic story I've ever heard. A gymnast takes a cold tablet to clear
up her stuffy nose, and gets her gold medal stolen for
it. Sheesh. J. Orlin Grabbe's headline for this story was, "Today,
Drug Tests; Tomorrow, Genetic Purity." He's probably not far
off. [grabbe]
Speaker's Advisory Group on Russia - Russia's Road to Corruption: How the Clinton Administration Exported Government Instead of Free Enterprise and Failed the Russian People: This is a report from a committee of United States House of Representatives members. They conclude that the Clinton administration could have done a lot to foster free enterprise in Russia. Instead, they helped Russia's slide into corruption. algore shares much of the blame. [grabbe]
Walter E. Williams at WorldNetDaily - Helping the OPEC cartel: How Klinton's policies forbidding mining of oil in Alaska and low-sulfur coal in the western U.S. are responsible for the current oil crisis. And then there's the 25 to 34 cents a gallon added by reformulated gasoline regulations. He doesn't even talk about taxes. [wnd]
Joel Miller at WorldNetDaily - Straight dope: Lookout for Big Narc: Orange County is planning on taking aerial mapping of the entire county, a 3-D database of every square foot of the county. They'll use this info to find marijuana plants and zoning violations. Big Brother is alive and well and living in the People's Republik of Kaliforniz. [wnd]
Jacob Sullum at Reason Magazine - Moving Words: Mr. Sullum comments on the recent decision by Massachusetts Governor Paul Cellucci to deny MBTA advertising space to pro-marijuana ads by Change the Climate. [wnd]
Garry Swirsky at KeepAndBearArms.com - Abused Ohio Gun Owner Tells His Story: How an honest gun dealer was taken down by a bank manager with the help of the local Nazis. Sickening. [sierra]
ABC News - Stand-off in Texas: John Joe Gray is defying the Texas authorities. They're afraid to go after him because they know he'll defend himself and because his children are with him. This stand-off has been going on for quite a while. Nice to see it hit the mainstream press. Mr. Gray, I salute you. Later... According to some email I received, Mr. Gray is "holding some children against the will of their father, who has legal custody of them". If this is the case, I may have to withdraw my salute, depending on the maturity of the children and whether they want to be with Mr. Gray or their father. [market]
INFOWARS.com has a John Joe Gray page.
The Anti-Federalist Society of Chatham County, GA also has a John Joe Gray page. Strange looking web site.
James Bovard at the Irving News via the Marijuana Awareness Project - DARE's Dying Gasp: DARE is being thrown out of public schools because it doesn't work. [market]
Patricia Neill at LewRockwell.com "Developing" Countries? Patty tells the world's beggar nations to get to work before asking her for handouts. [lew]