From the Orange County Register:
A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. -- Barry Goldwater
Jeremy Sapienza at LewRockwell.com - The Government Canker: Whenever there is a citrus canker outbreak, Florida officials enter people's yards, whether the owners like it or not, and destroy any trees they decide are infested. The real problem, of course, is the government canker. [lew]
Brian Weiss at George Magazine - Interview with Harry Browne: Nothing new, but nice to see it here. [lew]
Liz Andreasen at LNS2000 - Libertarian Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates Announced in Arizona: press release from the Arizona Libertarian party announcing L. Neil Smith and Vin Suprynowicz as candidates.
Charley Reese at the Orlando Sentinel - We should mind our business: Charley agrees with Jiang Zemin on national sovereignty. So do I. U.S. out of everywhere. National defense, not war-making.
It's a heck of a note when the president of China seems more like George Washington than does the president of the United States. I realize, of course, that to put Bill Clinton and George Washington even into the same paragraph is an offense against the founder.Clinton's message at the big shindig in New York was that the United Nations must intervene militarily in countries' affairs. Jiang Zemin's message was that national borders must be respected.
Cletus Nelson at Disinformation - Silencing Dissent: The Global Information War: another good article on the coming war on internet free speech compliments of Pino Arlachchi of the U.N. [picks]
Curt Bolding at Sierra Times - The Layman's Guide to Black Market Firearms: guess what will happen when it becomes illegal to purchase a gun? A black market. Will the gun laws then work any better than the drug laws do now? No way. Unless of course you've got an interest in the black market. Then you can make mucho dough. Follow the money... [sierra]
Personal and parental responsibility is the only way to reduce firearm-related tragedy. Ladies and Gentlemen of America: Do you love your children? If the firearm issue is an important one to you, then the best thing you can ever do will be to take a gun safety course with your child. When you're dealing with something like a weapon, your best course is to obtain knowledge and understanding, not trying to make the problem magically go away by passing meaningless laws that aren't prosecuted. Talk to your local State's Attorneys and make it clear to them that you want gun-related crime like armed robberies and the like prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Bob Glass at KeepAndBearArms.com - Thoughts on the Million Mom March Convention in Denver: a chilling report from two Tyranny Response Team infiltrators. The Million Mom March is a professional, well-funded organization. They are serious about disarming America. [kaba]