When You Spread the Wealth Around

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:02:31 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

[received via email, author unknown]


"When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."


Joseph Stalin, head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, spread the wealth by confiscating profitable factories, and the productive farm lands of independent farmers he derogatorily referred to as "kulaks". In the Ukraine, formerly the "breadbasket of Europe", millions of people died from famine. He provided abortion-on-demand, and mass-murder at his command. He established Russia's` "communist system" wherein loyal "communist party members" became the effective owners and managers of all profitable enterprises. An illegal system of embezzlement and kick-backs made the party leaders wealthy. Random and Unauthorized Deprivations became commonplace.


Robert Mugabe, self-declared President of Zimbabwe, spread the wealth by confiscating without compensation thousands of profitable farms from white farmers, promising the land to his supporters, triggering food shortages; he printed hundreds of trillions of Zimbabwean dollars triggering hyperinflation. His Kleptocracy appointed judges and legislation granting immunity for government agents who committed unauthorized deprivations of life, liberty and property (e.g. torture and murder of disarmed farm owners who did not leave voluntarily) in the name of spreading the wealth. Once the "bread basket" of southern Africa and a major agricultural exporter, Zimbabwe now depends on food programs and support from outside to feed its population. 700,000 Zimbabweans have lost their home or livelihood.

Mugabe's family now owns three farms.


Barack Obama, President-elect of the United States, proposes the confiscation and redistribution of income and wealth from the owners of profitable businesses and farmers, initially only those earning more than $250K annually. Obama told Ohio plumber Joe Wurzelbacher of his plan to take money "from each, according to his ability" and to redistribute that money (e.g., for healthcare) "to each, according to his need." Obama taught law students (future judges) that government agents should have unlimited power to commit "random and unauthorized deprivations" of private property, including cash and guns. He proposes collective labor called "Universal Voluntary Public Service" to deter participation in the "money culture" of American capitalism and to "Enable All Americans to Serve" the state and to replace profitable private business enterprises: "Individual salvation depends on collective salvation." Russian emigree Dimitri Vassilaros of the TRIBUNE-REVIEW wrote: "Philosopher and writer Ayn Rand said that the individual is the smallest minority. It doesn't seem that President Obama would do much to ensure that the rights of that minority will be acknowledged, let alone respected." dvassilaros@tribweb.com or 412-380-5637.


Adolf Hitler, founder of National Socialist German Workers Party (a.k.a. the Nazi Party) dedicated to "a better equilibrium between poverty and riches" and "the elimination of vast differences in the scale of salaries". He said the State is best served when individuals are enabled to "work for the benefit of the community" and when the state secures "to the individual the highest possible share in the general output." So, he confiscated private farms, and established a totalitarian dictatorship in order "to master [all] other living beings and make them serve him in his struggle." He confiscated guns from Jews, explaining that "History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." "Only those should rule who have the natural temperament and gifts of leadership." In his government, "there are no decisions made by the majority vote, but only by [the] man in a position of responsibility". All deprivations in the name of the State are proper when ordered "by that individual person alone ... who alone will be vested with authority and the right to command."

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