Victory in Iraq Day, November 22, 2008

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:37:02 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

zombietime declares yesterday, November 22, 2008, to be "Victory in Iraq Day". In great detail, they describe why they think that. And they provide numerous banners and buttons. Interesting. [esr]

But where's the official announcement?

The only reason that the war has not been declared "over" is that the media, which was generally opposed to the war and opposed to any of President Bush's policies, doesn't want to give him and his supporters the satisfaction of having been right. The media wants U.S. troops to return home, but only on condition that they do so with their tails between their legs in defeat -- not as victorious liberators, which would invalidate five years of subtle and not-so-subtle anti-war propaganda on the part of the left-leaning media. The Bush administration for its part has not declared victory for two probable reasons: first, because they fear that by so doing they would only increase the call by the media and liberal Democrats to "bring the troops home now"; and also by so doing they might invite some last-ditch spectacular terror attack by the few remaining jihadists in order to embarrass the administration. And the incoming Obama administration will certainly never announce victory, since Obama spent over a year campaigning for the Democratic primary as the anti-war candidate. So both sides refuse to say the war is over. Even though it is, in fact, over.

It is up to the American people to declare victory. Which is exactly what we are doing right now.

There never will be an "official" announcement from the government or the media, so you can stop waiting for it.

This is the official announcement.

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Submitted by Kent McManigal on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:58:13 GMT

From the linked page: "brought freedom to the nation and people of Iraq"

Strange kind of "freedom", isn't it?

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Seems that way to me, too.

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:41:04 GMT

Seems that way to me, too. I'm just reporting on this one, not expressing an opinion. I don't really know much about what's happening in Iraq. Not my business. Not my problem. I do wish the US government would stop killing people in my name, though.

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Mission Accomplished!!!!

Submitted by patty on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 06:13:24 GMT



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