Threeper Leaflet Passed out in DC

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:46:41 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh is back from DC. He posted the leaflet they passed out there.

Look Around You. This is NOT a Tea Party.

What you see is a Tea & Cakes Party.

[picture of people dressed as Indians throwing boxes of tea off of a ship]

THIS is a Tea Party.

The original Boston Tea Party was a calculated act of law-breaking designed to send the British Empire a message it could not fail to comprehend. Making long-winded speeches, thumping impassioned chests and denouncing a government made up of people who have already written you off as unimportant, impotent and no threat to their plans is a waste of time, energy and oxygen. As comfortable and deeply ingrained as these things are in all patriotic Americans, the conventional political tactics of speech-making, letter-writing and electioneering have brought us to this precipice of defeat. The guttering flame of the Founders' Republic is within one stiff breeze of going out forever. Both political parties have conspired through malice or incompetence to bring us to this state, yet still people look in vain to the system of party politics for salvation. The Founders were not so stupid as to place all their hopes on a corrupt system. When the accepted channels of politics and remonstrance failed, they burned the King's tax stamps, dumped his tea, broke the windows of his tax collectors with rocks and bricks, smuggled forbidden goods, defied "his royal majesty" in hundreds of other ways and dared him to do anything about it. Liberty is not free, nor is it without risk.

All these tactics are still available to us today. Any inventive mind could think of many more effective means of getting across the idea that we INSIST UPON OUR LIBERTY in this modern era. It is not necessary to collect a crowd to do them, either. Defiance in action can be expressed individually in many ingenious ways.

But let us not kid ourselves that standing around and listening to speeches that aren't worth the hot air they generate is an effective strategy for dealing with the hard-eyed, hard-nosed collectivist domestic enemies of the Founders' Republic in power today. Let us also not kid ourselves that the ill-named "Republican" Party, which has screwed up or sold out whatever "principles" they may have once had, deserves anything but our scorn. The Tea Party movement organized without them PRECISELY BECAUSE THE GOP FAILED, marched into the fray without their help, and now these same old tired political hacks are trying desperately to get back out in front of this genuine American popular movement and channel it into the same old discredited party politics where they claim to represent us before the election only to sell us out afterward. The Obamanoids, like the Clintonistas before them, are not scared of the GOP. They can handle them. What they ARE scared of is US -- We, the People.

If you want to send a message that you intend to defend your liberty and not talk about defending it, don't mail a tea bag. or get trapped in the same old ineffectual GOP scam. Think like the Founders, and ACT.

The Three Percent, P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126

Mike's after-action report is here:

I will write more -- much more -- on my experiences of this week. I saw something I never thought I'd ever see. Our side. In the streets. Angry. Protesting. Demanding. PUSHING BACK. To those Threepers who came, helped with the flags and the banner, "Not One More Inch," to those who carried it the whole day and who later participated in the Oath Keeper's ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial, words fail me. You were magnificent. I cannot thank you enough.

I had to drop out of the march. I knew my feet would be problematic and it got to where I just couldn't continue. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow morning. Pete also was called away by the support and admin stuff, necessary to switching hotels and frankly, helping my sorry crippled ass.


I can also tell you that I will have one of the most important pieces I have ever written posted in a few days, and I will need your help to distribute it when it comes out.

And for the Absolved fans, all of the chapters that have previously been posted will be reposted here, appearing as they will in the finished product. You will be able to go to just one site, this one, to tap into all of my accumulated writings, fact and fiction.

Hey Barry. How's this for community organizing?

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