The Case of the Missing Terrorists
Paul Craig Roberts at The Freedom School - if America were really threatened by terrorists, there would be lots of dead terrorist-hunters by now. Since Jose Rodriguez, John Yoo, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Max Boot, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, and Dick Cheney are all still breathing, Mr. Roberts concludes that the terrorist threat is a hoax. He's probably right.
The “War on Terror” is a hoax, one that has been successfully used to destroy the US Constitution and to complete the transformation of law from a shield of the people into a weapon in the hands of the state. By destroying habeas corpus, due process, and the presumption of innocence, the “War on Terror” has destroyed our security.
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War on Terror
While we must be aware of possible threats to this country, if we continue to give up our rights to fight the terrorist, they have already won the war, we just don't know it yet. Our biggest threat is our own government not the so called foreign terrorist. But I'm preaching to the choir by posting this here!
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