Separation of Medicine and State

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 12 Aug 2009 23:48:30 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Dear Friends and Readers,

I've said this before, in longer pieces. Doubtless I will again. There is one -- and only one -- solution to the mess our medical system presently finds itself in. That is to remove the real cause of the mess, not to drive the system even further into a state of medical Marxism.

America needs -- meaning it cannot long survive without -- a Constitutional amendment mandating total separation of medicine and state. "Mandating" means "making mandatory", giving it full force of law.

A Constitutional amendment mandating total separation of medicine and state.

Anything less, the tiniest bit of government interference with medicine at the national, state, or local level will simply end us up right back where we are, since that's what caused the mess to begin with.

A Constitutional amendment mandating total separation of medicine and state.

Along the way, we'll reinstate the confidentiality between doctors and patients that used to exist -- a confidentiality as sacred and unshakable as that between a lawyer and his client or a priest and his parishoner.

A Constitutional amendment mandating total separation of medicine and state.

Write to congress. Write to newspapers. Write to every web and blogsite. Call radio talk shows. Go to townhalls. I ask for no credit, no acknowledgement of any kind. Just tell everyone you know, everyone within the reach of whatever kind of voice you command that America needs:

A Constitutional amendment mandating total separation of medicine and state.

Thanks for "listening",

L. Neil Smith

"It's not your mother. It's just a big rock." -- L. Neil Smith
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