New Shooter Alert

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 12:22:56 GMT  <== Guns ==> 

Countertop - one trip to the range converts a fence-sitter and a full-blown commie pinko into devoted gun enthusiasts. Bravo! Kim's doing his happy dance. [kimdutoit]

As we are washing up, they ask when we can do this again. And, when can we shoot skeet. And, where can they go to get guns of their own. So, I proceed to take them to the "For Sale" bulletin board. Don't know about M1, but M2 was ready to buy a Springfield 1911 right then and there, but for one problem. He lives in DC.

This injustice, of course, was driven home even further when I noticed M2 had taken a variety of cartridges with him - for momentos, he said. I of course had no problem, but did feel obligated to tell him ammo - even empty cases - were banned in DC and each cartridge was a separate 5 year sentence.

He asked, How Can They Ban Ammo? What About The Second Amendment?

No more to say. I believe I have done all I can be expected to do. And I am very proud of the result.

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