New Hat

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:09:27 GMT  <== Personal ==> 

I got a new hat at Agway yesterday. Made in China for Carhartt. I've been wearing a knit pull-over hat in the winter time for as long as I remember. Switched to a baseball cap when I bought my hoodless rain coat. Now I wanted a brimmed hat with some winter warmth.

Flaps up

I thought I'd never put the new hat's flaps down over my ears, but today the thermometer said 7 degrees, so I did.

Flaps down

Do I look like a hick, or what?

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Comments (1):

You look like...

Submitted by jml1911a1 on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:36:16 GMT

...a midwestern farmer who just discovered internet porn.

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