Murdering the Group, Saving Individuals

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 09:44:35 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Stefan Molyneux at Strike the Root - Mr. Molyneux has a solution for most of the world's problems. Eliminate collectives, groups, from the vocabulary of the human race. One person at a time, it might eventually work. I certainly hope so, as the alternative is bleek indeed. [jomama]

What is the solution to the problem of collective violence? Why, just this:

Stop believing in groups!

"Groups" don't exist, any more than a "forest" exists independently of the trees it describes. A "Jew" doesn't exist. An "Arab" doesn't exist; neither does " Israel " or "Muslim." There are people and land and trees and sky. There are no "groups."

If people surrender their moral independence to some "morally-superior" collective (or, more accurately, some madman claiming to speak for such a non-existent entity), then of course violence is the inevitable result. Irrational and collectivist moral absolutes are the fundamental WMDs of our species. Believing you are part of the "master race" because you're Jewish, or the "chosen of Allah" because you're Muslim, opens the path to blood, tears, flames and graves. Such delusions are both false and absolutist--the most deadly combination. Irrational moral ideals which must be enforced always end up murdering the innocent and the not-so-innocent en masse.


The solution to the crisis in the Middle East is not easy, but it is simple--and the alternatives are stark. We must outgrow our addictions to the false gods of history--be they religious, political or national. Giving the modern equivalents of witch-doctors access to 21st Century weapons has become far too dangerous.

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