Illegal Alien Boycott Day

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 03 May 2006 11:03:24 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Jerry Pournelle - Jerry liked Monday, with the illegal aliens staying home in Southern California. The highways were clear. He'd like them to continue for the rest of the summer. Hehe. [pournelle]

Instapundit opined: [kimdutoit]

If a day without an immigrant means a day without traffic, Angelenos will build a fence on their own.

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No thanks

Submitted by Ken Hagler on Wed, 03 May 2006 17:46:23 GMT

Speaking as a Los Angeles resident, I am most certainly not willing to support a massive ethnic cleansing program just to shorten my commute. In fact, the neighborhood I live in (Koreatown) is nearly all immigrants, and if the Gestapo comes into my neighborhood and starts rounding up my neighbors I would regard that as a hostile act to be resisted with force.

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I can understand that.

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 03 May 2006 18:18:14 GMT

I can understand that. Personally, I don't believe in nation states, only private property. I just found interesting the opinions of Mr. Pournelle and Instapundit.

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Almost funny

Submitted by Ken Hagler on Thu, 04 May 2006 03:50:09 GMT

The Instapundit one is almost funny, in a showing-his-ignorance sort of way. I wonder who he thinks does construction in LA?

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