Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:11:57 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Tom Flocco - have your grain of salt ready. If true, however, this could put Bill & Hillary Clinton and Bush Senior in prison for a long, long time. I won't hold my breath. [email]

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is in possession of filmed evidence allegedly showing Senator Hillary Clinton entering Bank Crozier in the British territory of Grenada during early 2003 for the purpose of withdrawing stolen and laundered U.S. Treasury funds for alleged personal use after presenting the bank with CIA code numbers in her capacity as a U.S. senator, CIA operative and wife of a former president, according to a team of intelligence sources.

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Comments (2):

Not a good start

Submitted by Ken Hagler on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:58:34 GMT

You'd think that Mr. Flocco could have at least taken the time to Google for Grenada to see whether it really is a British territory.

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I wouldn't.

Submitted by Justin Buist on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:23:18 GMT

I wouldn't expect him to, not after the Barbara Olson article he threw up many months ago. Supposedly some border agents picked her up grossing from Germany into some other country. I forget which one at the time. Looking at a map of Europe revealed that there was no border between the countries. He updated the story later on in the day with something that actually bordered Germany.

His excuse was something like, "It was late at night when I got the call and I messed it up."

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