Comment Spam

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 14:10:27 GMT  <== Webmaster stuff ==> 

Somebody or somebodies pissed all over the place with comment spam this morning. I deleted 20 or 30 of them earlier and just deleted 50 or more. If this keeps up, I'll have to restrict comments to just registered users. That would be a shame, since most of the comments here are anonymous, and I like to encourage that, but I don't have time for approving or deleting them.

It is possible that in my haste to remove the spam, I deleted a real comment. My apologies if it was yours.


Anonymous comments now require approval before they appear on the site. If you want your comments to appear right away, register. Otherwise, you may have to wait a little while.

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Comments (9):

Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 16:43:14 GMT

I have not seen the content of the comment spam but the comment spam was almost certainly by the Franken-state. If you see the addendums dated February 26, 2006 and May 13, 2009, for example, in the link provided in the first comment on the post dated July 4, 2009, the Franken-state can continuously monitor anyone's Internet use, besides comprehensive audio and video surveillance and control anyone's computer -- in fact all digital equipment -- by microwaves from satellites. It can send E-Mail from anyone's E-Mail accounts, post comments in anyone's name on online forums, etc., besides engaging in numerous other forms of harassment; see, for example, the addendum dated March 3, 2009 in the same link.

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Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 17:52:12 GMT

See also the addendum dated April 29, 2009 in the same link.

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Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 18:24:58 GMT

The Franken-state can also block access to any online forum. It can block access to this blog, selectively allowing some people to access it.

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Anonymous comments now require approval

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 18:53:28 GMT

I've changed my settings so that anonymous comments require approval. If that gets too hard, I'll just disable them, and you'll have to register and get approved in order to comment.

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Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 19:19:15 GMT

Though by forcing you to restrict access to this blog, the Franken-state has already partly achieved its objective via the comments spam.

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They're credit card offers

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 19:22:10 GMT

They're credit card offers. I kinda doubt they're being done by the gummint.

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Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:10:01 GMT

The Franken-state does it precisely this way, posting spam, sending E-Mails, etc. etc. that seem to originate from likely sources, though I understand your doubt. Of course, when such 'soft' tactics -- they include various kinds of rewards/'bribes' in both cash and kind -- do not suffice, it has a whole lot of hard tactics in its armamentarium (see addendum dated April 29, 2009 in the link below), including nuclear weapons. The Franken-state has won this round against your freedom -- your freedom and that of legitimate visitors to your blog. It cannot be destroyed by guns and knives, only nuclear weapons:

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Franken-state's comment spam (contd.)

Submitted by s on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:26:56 GMT

Of course, libertarians wielding just guns and knives pose no threat to the Franken-state; to it they are children playing in a sand-box. The threat here arose when someone brought in effective action, such as the use of nuclear weapons. Hence the spam, which was just a first step on its part (you will agree that credit card offers don't generally arrive by the hundreds in a single morning).

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Franken-state's domestic assassinations

Submitted by on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 23:01:23 GMT

I have deleted this comment and rescinded the account of "s". He used this forum to tell a lie about my wife. Go away, Mr. s. You're not welcome here any more.

-Bill St. Clair

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