America in Chains Repackaged

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:57:49 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

I repackaged Scott Bieser's "America in Chains" banners, which were introduced by L. Neil Smith in his Libertarian Enterprise article entitled There's No Such Thing As "Goodminton" (which I recommend reading). These are much easier to use, and will work anywhere an image will work. They cost me a little bandwidth, but I'm donating that to the cause. If you would like to remunerate me for my work, though, and my web bandwidth, you can Paypal money to

America In Chains

America In Chains

In order to use them on your web site, you need to include an <img ...> tag that references the URLs above:

<img src="" alt="America in Chains"
width="420" height="134" />
<img src="" alt="America In Chains"
width="226" height="225" />

If you don't like my choice of red for the "Day N" text, you can change it to any color you like by adding "?color=xxxxxx", where "xxxxxx" is two chars apiece for the hex values of the red, green, and blue components of the color. For example, the graphic below results from the text below it.

America In Chains

<img src="" alt="America in Chains"
width="420" height="134" />

If you have a web site with PHP, the GD library, and the freefont2 library, you can copy my code to your web site. Download the php files at & (remove the .txt suffix from the downloaded files), and get the other files that are necessary from the same directory: aic-sq.png, aic-wide.png, & FreeSansBold.ttf, and you're golden.

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Comments (3):

Shoudn't you start the clock on January 3?

Submitted by enemyofthestate on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 03:23:31 GMT

The Democrats will not control the House and Senate until the new guys take office on Jan 3.

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You're right of course.

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 12:12:01 GMT

You're right of course. But the changes are already happening, with the current lame-duck Congress & president. The gestalt has changed if not yet the reality. Also, it wouldn't be much fun to have a negative counter until then. Suppose I could reset it on January 3, after the new guys swear to ignore the Constitution.

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"America in Chains"

Submitted by Col. Hogan on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 05:02:21 GMT

After a couple of attempts, I was able to place the counter on my site.


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