Doing Freedom! Returns

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:00:00 GMT
From unknown:
Terrorism is a direct response to the crimes our government has committed against foreigners. Besides which, the actual terrorists are within our own government. -- Gore Vidal

L. Neil Smith at Doing Freedom! - Some Thoughts on Concealed Carry - advice on what to carry and how to carry it. Most important equipment: your attitude. [market]

Except for maybe 10 days total, when I was in the hospital or had flown to some benighted locale by airliner, I've carried a loaded pistol or revolver on my person every day of my life since 1967.

Which is a good introduction to the February 14, 2002 issue of Doing Freedom! Yay! My mirror is here.

Joseph G. Lolli at Upstate Common Voice - Pleading the Second - Enron employees have been "pleading the fifth" in congressional invetigations. Why can't I "plead the second" when I walk down the street or into a government building carrying a handgun? [unknown]

Ask our representatives to uphold our Second, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth amendments, and they suddenly begin to waffle and dictate to us where and when we should be "allowed" to exercise our constitutional rights.

This November, please ask your elected representatives to up-hold their Oath of Office and the Constitution they swore to protect, instead of picking and choosing which one of YOUR rights they feel like enforcing today.

Bob Murphy at - In Defense of Collateral Damage - contrasting Arnold Schwarzenegger's new movie with GW's war on "terrorism". There's a big difference. Arnold avenged his family's death by killing the perps. GW continues to avenge 3000 deaths in New York and the District of Criminals by killing lots and lots of innocent civilians. [anti-state]

We can take the analogy as far as we want. Imagine that the movie were more realistic, and that Schwarzenegger realized he couldn't possibly carry out his mission on his own. Suppose that he went around to every Los Angeles citizen, and demanded financial contributions for his efforts, since after all he's protecting them from bloodthirsty foreigners. Finally, imagine that he kidnapped and locked in a cell anyone who refused to fund his killing spree. Do you think such a protagonist would carry the support of the movie crowd? Would Collateral Damage be a box office hit?

Of course not. Nonetheless, George Bush has a great chance for reelection.

Rachael Anne Fajardo at Strike the Root - Libertarian vs. libertarian - Big "L" and little "l" libertarians can get along. Hehe. [market]

Charley Reese at Enterprise Journal - Charges against Lindh overstated - why John Walker Lindh is not a criminal. [lew]

John Walker Lindh, if he can receive a fair trial -- and that's a huge if -- will probably be acquitted of all charges.

Maybe it is because we haven't found the leadership of al-Qaida, or the Taliban, or the man who sent the anthrax letters, but the Justice Department seems to be almost hysterically determined to make a scapegoat out of an American kid who is guilty, it seems to me, of nothing but bad judgment and even worse luck.


Part of this kid's problem is the notoriously sloppy use of language by politicians and journalists. We call these training camps "terrorist training camps," but the training is the same, as I said, as the type our own soldiers receive. There is no such thing as terrorist training. There is only training in military skills. It's how you use the training, not the training itself, that determines if you are a terrorist.

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