Schmucky's At It Again
Find that flame, that existence,
That Wonderful Man
Who can burn beneath the water.
No other kind of light
Will cook the food you
Scott Bieser at - The Schumer Challenge - cartoon commentary on Schmucky's latest pronouncement that government must grow in response to 9/11. Hehe. [kaba]
Bob Wallace at - Karl Marx in Hell - a good screed on the evils of socialism couched as an interview with Karl Marx in Hell. Includes a point-by-point refutation of his ten-point system for changing society. [lew]
I thought if society was changed, along socialist lines, then the essential "goodness" of human nature would automatically turn all of us into gods. The exact opposite happened. Socialism appeals not to the best in human nature, but the worst: greed, envy, hate, theft, murder. It appeals to the animal in us, the bad part. Civilization, I realize now, is just a thin, fragile film on top of a lot of badness in people. And civilization is easily destroyed. And socialism will always destroy it.
Interviewer: One last question. Is Hell eternal?
Marx: No, it's not. You just have to wait until all the bad things you've done have disappeared. When the day comes when not one person is the world believes in what I wrote, then I can leave.
Interviewer: Any idea when that day might come?
Marx: Your guess is as good as mine. But I do think it's going to be a long, long time.
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Enron, Bankruptcy, and Easy Credit - Dr. Paul blames the Enron fiasco on the federal reserve.
Few in Congress seem to understand how the Federal Reserve system artificially inflates stock prices and causes financial bubbles. Yet what other explanation can there be when a company goes from a market value of more than $75 billion to virtually nothing in just a few months? The obvious truth is that Enron was never really worth anything near $75 billion, but the media focuses only on the possibility of deceptive practices by management, ignoring the primary cause of stock overvaluations: Fed expansion of money and credit.
Jeff Johnson at CNS News - Senators Propose 'Gun Owner Registration' - Schmucky's at it again. S. 1788, the "Use NICS in Terrorist Investigations Act", changes the Brady bill's instant check system into a gun-owner registration system. It extends to a minimum of 90 days the time that NICS records are kept. They are supposed to be destroyed now within 24 hours. There are no words strong enough to express my disdain for this man. And the usual cast of traitors is cosponsoring: Boxer, Rodham Clinton, Corzine, Durbin, Kennedy, Levin, Reed, Torricelli. It was introduced on December 7 and is now in the Senate Judiciary committee. [unknown]
Stanley for U.S. Senate Press Release - Stanley Released from Jail; Charged with Violating an Unconstitutional Gun-Control Ordinance - A little more on the Colorado man who committed the horrible crime of carrying a pistol in a holster. His next court date is January 30. [kaba]