Soldiers at the Airport
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Bill Watterson
As promised, I went to Albany International Airport after work yesterday to check on the Amerikan police state. On the other side of the metal detectors I saw two soldiers in camo uniforms with rifles slung over their shoulders and two police in black. I didn't talk to them since I had no ticket to get me through security. I managed one blurry photo, shown below (I took others, but they were too blurry to recognize).

Jeffrey Benner at Wired - No Smoking Gun in Terror Bill - Mr. Benner complains that the new "anti-terror" bill doesn't close the gun-show "loophole". I wrote him the following email:
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 11:29:36 -0400
From: "Bill St. Clair" <>
Subject: No Smoking Gun in Terror Bill
Mr. Benner,
I'll keep this short, since I'm sure you're going to draw lots of ire with your recent story.
The reason closing the gun-show so-called "loophole" isn't in the so-called "anti-terror" bill is because it wouldn't stand a chance of passage. The Brady Bill is already an unconstitutional piece of trash. We don't need no more steenking gun laws. We need to eliminate all 20,000 existing gun laws and return to what the second amendment says: the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
To clarify, in the words of L. Neil Smith:
Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon -- rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything -- any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission.And this includes citizens and non-citizens, felons who have served their time, and even members of Congress.
-Bill St. Clair
target.pdf is
a larger version of the image to the right, suitable
for printing, perforating, and sending to the Afghanistan
embassy. Address on the target. [geeks]
Jim Scanlon via - Now Is the Time To Expand Our Gun Rights - And how! [zero]
Don Lobo Tiggre at Laissez Faire City Times - Jumping the Train - Don Lobo reminds us not to board the cattle cars. We won't like where they're going.
As the old adage goes, it's too late for the bullfrog to jump out of the pot when the water is boiling. In more human terms, it's too late to jump off the train to Dachau after they slam the door on your box car shut.
This war against an enemy that can't even surrender could achieve, in a very short time, all the wet dreams that have eluded rabid statists since a single world government failed to emerge after WWII. It may take a while for all the freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights to be completely suspended, but this splendid new war will last longer than the US itself will. So, there's no big hurry. The statists have time to maneuver and engineer just the right social responses that will require them to assume ever greater control—all for the greater good, national security, and the American Way, of course.
Sierra TImes - Major Networks Refuse Front Sight's ARM PILOTS Commercial - Front Sight prepared a 60-second commercial advicating the arming of commercial pilots and offering to train them for free. The major networks wouldn't touch it. They're making a new, more politicaly correct, version. The commercial is available for Real Video or Microsoft Media Player. The MMP version wouldn't play for me and I haven't installed Real Player on my new machine (and probably won't). [sierra]
Federal Record via Cryptome - USA Act of 2001 - an incredible tome from Tom Daschle and friends. Somebody has been busy for all of the last three and a half weeks just writing this. Besides the stuff in earlier bills, this one includes money "laundering" and a whole lot more. It's a quarter meg of text, 80 pages of new fascism. [cryptome]
On Wednesday, I got a new notebook computer, a Dell Inspiron 8100. 1 GHz processor, 256 megs of RAM, 18 gigs of hard disk, an amazing display that goes up to 1600x1200, DVD Player. After working with it for three days, I like it.
Previous Posts:
We have a volunteer
Isaac Stern & John Lilly, RIP; Robin Trower, Play That Guitar
Airline Security Today: BOGU
Arm Our Pilots
Tear down the Taliban ... not the Bill of Rights
Your permanent record
A nation of primping Fauntleroys readies for war
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